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Still Moments


Still Moments

In the stillness, we find Him. In the stillness is where our comfort lies. In the stillness we are redeemed and set free. In the stillness our questions are answered. It is in the stillness of the Lord is where we find Peace.

I can recall a number of times where life has gotten the best of me. My stress levels were out of this world and I was completely overwhelmed and underappreciated. It was only when I made the choice to still quietly that I felt a shift in my mind and heart. It was only when I decided that I alone could not handle everything at once. It was only when I decided to allow God to lead me in all things. Everything did not shift right away, but I did have more peace in my heart. That alone was important.

You may ask, “How do I have Still Moments” with God?

1.) The first and most important step to having Still Moments with God is to desire them. You must have a heart that is open to God.

2.) Set aside a time where you are the least distracted and dedicate that time to Him. It could be in the morning or the late evening. The time doesn’t matter as long as you focus on Him.

3.) Be open. God already knows what is in your heart so be honest when you spend time with him. Tell him everything you are struggling with. Don’t spend all your time complaining but do allow him to do what only he can do.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

4.) Be Quiet.  Often times we make the mistake of talking throughout our quiet time. It is important that you open your heart, mind and eyes to hear and feel God. He wants to hear from you but he also wants to speak to you. God is not required to speak in one form so it important to allow the Holy Spirit to move in you.

5.) Trust his Word. God will never give you a word that is not for you. It will always be what you need (this does not mean it will be what you want each time) in that season. One of the beauties of God is that he has it all figured out. You can find joy and peace in knowing that God is and always will be in control.

6.) Rest- You are the precious gem of the Most High. God is with you and will order your steps if you allow him.

I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Eph. 3:16 (NLT)



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