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Serve, Still


In the past I always believed that when a person was enduring suffering or in a rocky place, they should be seated. In all honestly, church culture teaches us that we need to sit down so that we don’t disrupt other. So that we don’t “bleed on others”. While I do believe that not bleeding on others is extremely important, I also believe that healing and strengthening can be found in service.

I recently started attending a new church which just opened this particular location. In fact, this month is grand opening month. One could agree that this is still a church plant. One of my spiritual gifts  is serving. In particular, I enjoy serving in hospitality.  I enjoy hugging others and always have a big smile ready to greet and just love on people. It is fuel to my soul.  While attending this church I struggled with my desire to serve. I knew that some of the decisions I have made within the last year alone haven’t been the wisest. The guilt and shame grew pressing on my heart. The things that my spirt wrestle with felt as if they were winning (that is a blog within itself, but GOD).  I felt like I was losing control. My soul was/is hungry for the Love and Presence of My Father but I just couldn’t get it together!

Romans 7:18 reads “ And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t.”  NLT

Galatians 5:17 Reads “ For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.” NIV

Talk about wrecked my soul. (Isn’t it funny how we can easily find those scriptures that convict us).  I decided that even though my life isn’t what I want it to be, that even though there is much room for me to grow, even though I struggle, that even though at times I feel unworthy and ashamed, I can and should still serve.

You may be thinking why? Why would you be willing to serve in the midst of your own place of frustration? My answer is simply this. I chose to serve in the face of adversity because in this place, I can give through humility and with a pure heart.  It is in the place of a surrendered heart that God can pour into you.  When you allow yourself to serve, you create a place of stillness and a place of openness.  Service is honorable. I truly believe that in the midst of your servant hood God will begin to download revelations that are specific to your issues and concerns.

While serving can be helpful, balance is always necessary. Don’t take on too much and pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you.  There are some seasons where being seated is needed. When those seasons arise listen to the Spirit.  In those seasons, God wants to you to deal directly with Him.  Adhere to His pulling.

If God releases you to serve, know that He has your best interest at heart. There is something that he wants to show you through serving.

Ephesians 6:7 “ Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.” NIV



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