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I am a worshipper. I love worship music. I love my quiet time where it’s just God and I. I love His presence.  One of my favorite bloggers and sisters in Christ, Jasmine Morris has an amazing blog ( and I truly love her style of writing. Recently, she emailed her subscribed her Spotify worship playlist and I downloaded it right away. The song Open Space from Housefires captivated my heart and placed me in a spirit of humility.  Let’s just say I was completed wrecked when I heard this song.  It is a song of brokenness.

It is a letter to God to enter our hearts and mind. It is a declaration of surrender. It is the sound of obedience. It is a cry to be completely consumed with Him. When we are empty, there is room for Him to fill us.  Our hearts become open and our minds are free. What a joy it is to find freedom. In a world of panic, hate, separation, and confusion, we as the body of Christ can find Freedom and refuge in His Presence.

Life will bring us both joys and heartache. It will shift us. We will make emotional decisions and endure pains that we could never imagine.  It is often hard to understand it all. In fact, our circumstances can often leave us angry and confused. God will allow us to endure what we feel is setback after setback. In reality, he is preparing us for our purpose.  No, our journey is not easy, but it is always necessary.

In the past few months, I have experienced several struggles. I have been angry at God. I have felt that He doesn’t care. You know the thought of ” (God, I know that you can fix this, but I don’t understand why you won’t. ) I’ve submitted many prayer requests for God to shift the atmosphere or to even shift my thinking. I’ve prayed the prayer of a having a content spirit only to feel even more frustrated and left behind.  Have you ever felt that way?

What I have realized is that God wants to see me broken. Not broken so that he can step on me, but broken so that the voids I feel can be filled by Him. I am naturally a planner. I have solutions. I can always figure it out. Well, this has been the case. I am now in a season where I LITERALLY must Trust God for everything.   This is my stretching season.  This is my preparation season. I haven’t been the best student along the way. I’ve searched for answers without asking the Teacher to guide me in the right direction.

God is faithful and patient with us, even when we are not always faithful to Him. There is always Peace in Him. You may not know the outcome but God assures us that we are in His image. We are protected. It may be hard to believe this when everything around you is falling apart. Allow yourself to be broken. Allow yourself to kneel and surrender it all to Him. The more we try to figure it all out, the longer we delay our breakthrough.  Lose yourself to Him. Allow God to lead. Your brokenness is His Strength.

Psalms: 34: 17-20 (NLT)

17The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.

He rescues them from all their troubles.

18The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;

he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

19The righteous person faces many troubles,

but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.

20For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous;

not one of them is broken!

Photo by Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash



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