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For She is Called…


I can remember a time in my (which was not too long ago) that I struggled greatly with who I was in Christ. I knew I had a purpose, but I didn’t know exactly what I was designed to do or where I was to go. Honestly, that is still something that I struggle with from time to time. I have learned that no matter what, God is still in control. He has a purpose and a plan for my life. This means that he has a purpose and plan for your life too!

My life has not been a pretty picture. I have made choices that I am not proud of. I have walked (maybe even jumped) into waters that were too deep for me. I have used foul language, had plenty of sex before marriage, lied, carried a hardened heart and even had several lesbian relationships. The saying “You don’t know my story” or I don’t look like what I’ve been through” is the epitome of my life. I made decisions that cost friendships, finances and jeopardized my health. BUT GOD.

The God  I serve is the ULTIMATE restorer. He heals, delivers and sets free those who will trust in Him. Your past will NOT predict your future. Your present situation is not a permanent position.

Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning light.(Psalms 30:5.KJV)

I named this blog For She is Called because that is more than a blog name. It is more than a statement. For She is Called is a way of life. We are striving to be Christ-Like. We need our Father in Heaven to tell us, My Daughter, you have served me well. For She is Called is a charge to go forth and teach the nations of Jesus Christ.  If you are reading this, you are called. It is not by accident or luck that we meet in this format.

You are chosen. Yes, it may be scary. You may be unsure, but when you hear from God, it is not in error. When God gives us an assignment, it shows that he trusts us enough to fulfill it. What a beautiful feeling to be trusted by the Holy One. He will NEVER give you an assignment without instructions.

You have a purpose. Your vision is clear. Walk in Confidence and trust the Voice of the Lord. The gut feeling or that small stirring is the Holy Spirit moving you forward. If you are struggling to find your Kingdom Purpose, look deep within you. Think about your life experiences and what they have taught you. Consider the things that make your heart smile the most. Ask God to make it plain for you.

 Listen.  Move. Obey. For She (you) IS Called.

Go forth and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19 KJV)



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