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Be Bold

We as the body of Christ are responsible for our actions. We are responsible for our witness. We must be mindful of the things we do and say because we are always representing the Lord.  This is definitely not a easy process and the walk is not always smooth.

This year I attended the 4th annual Pinky Promise Conference in Atlanta hosted by Heather Lindsey. ( If you have never been I truly encourage you to grab your girlfriends and go in 2017. You can find information at ) While there I prayed and ask God to speak to me in a way that I would know it was him. I sat on the floor in worship and a little while passed before he spoke to me.

When he did, he said BE BOLD. I wanted to make sure I heard him correctly, so I asked specifically for him to send a soft wind in the room so that I could be sure.  After God spoke to me, the room went from cries of worship to a soft silence. It literally was a wave of silence that erupted in the room. This was important to me because I still struggle with discerning God’s voice.  In a room of over 2,500 women, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. I was in such awe! He heard me and honored my request.  After the preaching was over for that day my roommate said OMG, did you feel that quietness in the room.  I inwardly smile and said yes I did. God is good like that 🙂

God told me to be BOLD for Him.

My favorite definition of the word BOLD is provided by Merriam-Webster. It says Bold is being very confident in a way that may seem rude or foolish. This definition truly spoke to my heart because as Believers we are often accused of being foolish. The unbeliever cant comprehend our God. They don’t understand that who we serve is Mighty, Grand, The Holy One, The Great I AM, The Alpha & Omega, The Peacekeeper, The Way Maker (as our grandparents would say, the Lily in the Valley) I could continue on and on! This is why being BOLD is so important in our daily walk.  I decided to break down the word BOLD in hopes that it will help you in your Christian walk.

B- Believe  O-Obey L-Live- D-Deliver

Believe that the Word is truth and stand firm on it.  We do not see God but we know that he is real. We feel his presence, he speaks to/in us. He shows up  in signs and wonders in our own lives and in the lives of others.

John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”

Obey the Word of God. It was written for you and I. It is a blueprint for us to follow. It is our reference and our Guide. All things pertaining to life are within his Word. You will never walk alone. God is with us all.

John 15:10 When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.

Living for Christ is the most vibrant experience ever. I would not dare tell you that is easy and that it comes with no pain or sorrow. That simply is not true. However, what living for Christ does guarantee is that you will get through it. That God is with you and that he has you cradled in his hands. Living for Christ means that you have his hand on you. That you are the HEAD and not the tail. Living for Christ is freedom.  Living for Christ is being able to cover your enemies in prayer because God sent his son for us all. Living for Christ is knowing that the best is yet to come and that just when it seems like everything is falling apart, God comes in to shift the situation. Living for Christ is receiving a doctor’s report and God confirming that he has the final say. Living for Christ is trusting that he is still in control and that His name will remain great!

Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Deliver the Good News!! Share that God is real and that Jesus is returning for his Bride! We deliver the news not just by quoting scriptures but by living them. We deliver by being a light in the darkness, by providing hope to the hopeless, giving food/shelter to those who don’t have it for themselves. We deliver the good news by our hearts and our actions, not just our words.

Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.

Note: Scriptures highlighted in Red are the words of Jesus.

Scriptures are all from the NLT Version (new living translation)



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